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Membership Fees

The Membership fees:

  • The membership fees payable by the Samithis/Samajams at the time of admission shall be not less than the amount of Rs. 5000/-. This amount will be decided by the Governing Council from time to time.

  • It is open for the Samithis/Samajams to pay not less than half of the membership fees along with the application for membership and the balance within six months thereafter.
    The membership fees paid shall form part of the Corpus Fund of the Federation and as such is non-refundable.
Annual Subscription by members:

For meeting the day-to-day expenditure, to fulfill the objects of the Federation, the member Samithis/Samajams shall pay subscription every year.

  • The annual subscription payable is not less than Rs. 2500/-. This amount will be decided by the Governing Council from time to time.

  • Any difficulty in meeting the expenditure incurred shall be made good by the member Samithis/Samajams in agreed proportion, whenever necessary, in addition to the Annual Subscription.


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