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S.No Title Description
1 Date : 29.07.2013
Place Conducted : Hyderabad.
Main Agenda : Applying for FCRA Registration. Updating on coaching & Counseling institute “AIKF Centre for Excellence in Education” at Faridabad. Generation of Corpus funds.
Remarks : Annual General body Meeting
2 Date : 02.02.2013
Place Conducted : Surendranagar (Gujarat)
Main Agenda : Funds mobilization for AIKF Centre for Excellence in Education insitute. Utilization of institute by affiliated Samithis
Remarks : Governing council meeting.
3 Date : 24.11.2012
Place Conducted : Bhubaneswar (Orissa)
Main Agenda : Formation of subcommittee for fund raising, Approval for starting of AIKF Centre for Excellence in Education Coahcing and Counciling Centre at Faridabad
Remarks : Governing council Meeting
4 Date : 21.07.2012
Place Conducted : Shimla
Main Agenda : Discussion on implementation of Vision document points. Interest free education loans (AIKF Scholarship scheme) disbursement and future plan of action.
Remarks : Governing council meeting
5 Date : 02.02.2012
Place Conducted : Hyderabad.
Main Agenda : Generation of Corpus Funds as per plan (Rs 30 Crores). AIKF vision document implementation
Remarks : Governing council Meeting
6 Date : 09.10.2011
Place Conducted : Agra
Main Agenda : Generation of Corpus funds for increasing the activities at All India level. Formation new Govering Council members
Remarks : Governing council meeting
7 Date : 19.06.2011
Place Conducted : Varanasi
Main Agenda : Land Acquisation at Faridabad, Corpus fund raising upto 30 cores. Implementation of interest free education loans.
Remarks : Governing council Meeting
8 Date : 05.02.2011
Place Conducted : Jaipur
Main Agenda : Generation of funds for interest free education loan. Implementation of subcommitte report on Web sitem, Kshatriya Prabha & Interest fre educatinal loan
Remarks : Governing council meeting
9 Date : 13.11.2010
Place Conducted : Hyderabad
Main Agenda : Utilization of website, Interest free educational loans, Publishing of Kshstiya Prabha Magazine in different languages.
Remarks : Governing council Meeting
10 Date : 28.08.2010
Place Conducted : Mumbai
Main Agenda : Discussion on nominating district coordinators
Remarks : Executive Committee Meeting
11 Date : 24.04.2010
Place Conducted : Chandigarh
Main Agenda : To raise the Corpus fund
Remarks : Executive Committee Meeting
12 Date : 10.04.2010
Place Conducted : Hyderabad
Main Agenda : Review of activities, Future directions
Remarks : Executive Committee Meeting
13 Date : 14.02.2010
Place Conducted : Bhopal
Main Agenda : Review of activities, election of new goverining Council. To appoint auditor
Remarks : 3rd Annual General Body Meeting
14 Date : 28.11.2009
Place Conducted : Bhuj Gujarat)
Main Agenda : Mobilization of Corpus Fund
Remarks : 7th Executive Committee Meeting
15 Date : 03.06.2009
Place Conducted : Hyderabad
Main Agenda : Approval for appointing staff,
Remarks : 6th Executive Committee Meeting
16 Date : 19.01.2009
Place Conducted : Patna
Main Agenda : Finalizing the Governing Council, Office Bearers. Future plan of action
Remarks : 5th Executive Committee Meeting
17 Date : 21.12.2008
Place Conducted : Lucknow
Main Agenda : Enrolment of Membershop Samithis. Future plan of action, Finalizing the Governing Council, Office Bearers.
Remarks : 4th Adhoc Committee Meeting
18 Date : 02.11.2008
Place Conducted : Bhopal
Main Agenda : Enrollment of Membership Samithis & Travel plan for promoting our concept to the areas where we have not already covered
Remarks : 3rd Adhoc Committee Meeting
19 Date : 19.09.2008
Place Conducted : Noida (Amiti University Campus)
Main Agenda : To finalize the Constitution of The All India Kshatriya Federation
Remarks : 2nd Adhoc Committee Meeting
20 Date : 18.04.2008
Place Conducted : Mumbai
Main Agenda : Finalizing the Governing Council, Office Bearers
Remarks : 1st Adhoc Committee Meeting



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