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Tamarind Rice

Related Festival:
•Basmati Rice 2 cups
•Tamarind 20 - 25 gm
•Red chillies 4
•Hing 1/4 tbsp
•Turmeric powder 1/2 tbsp
•Oil 2 tablespoon
•Mustard Seeds 1/2 tbsp
•Urad dal 1 tbsp
•Channa dal 2 tbsp
•Salt to taste
•Curry leaves to garnish
Cook rice with salt.Take thick tamarind juice. Heat 1 tablesp oil in a sauce pan. Add divided red chillies. When fried, add the tamarind juice. Add turmeric & hing & boil until it becomes a liquid paste. Heat the remainder oil in a frying pan, add mustard seeds. When they pop up, add the urad dal & channa dal & fry until golden. Add this fried things to the rice. Add the tamarind paste & mix uniformly. Garnish with curry leaves.
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